The making of this website and how it started

This website started out as a project I made for fun, and to help I asked if my friend, XENON, would help me, which he accepted and still is doing.


XENON here, I implemented most of the CSS on this website. Anyway, html is a bit weird in that when you press enter on a multi-line thing, it doesn't create a linefeed! \n also doesn't seem to work.

Sadly that means I have to keep spamming new paragraphs for html to do linebreaks until I figure it out.

I also just discovered the preview pane (well I discovered it before but I only started using it now) IT IS SO DAMN USEFUL!!!!!!!!!

Stefix just added 2 divider lines which I don't mind. Anything below the divider above these messages is written by me and is kinda related!

I think I figured it out!
It is the br tag! Yes, I am typing this in one paragraph tag!

